eir Zipped



You've probably already discovered that as soon as you hit your 40's, your metabolism starts to slow - cue body shape changes, bloated belly, feelings of heaviness, sluggishness and 3pm sugar cravings. Us too. Congratulations on reaching a new milestone of hormonal changes!  

So we'd like to introduce to you our star supplement - Zipped. 

Designed so you can zip up your favourite jeans, wear that LBD and feel overall lightness.  Our potent formula promotes digestion and detoxification, reduces sugar cravings and sugar absorption, supports insulin regulation and reduces bloating and fluid retention. All without any stimulants. It's a winner in our books.  

All ingredients are at a clinical dose, so that they work hard for you. They are all MVP's in our Zipped team.  

  • Fenugreek assists with insulin function, lowers cholesterol and reduces appetite.
  • Gymnema sylvestre is known as the 'destroyer of sugar'. It reduces sugar cravings as it suppresses the sugar receptors on your taste buds, making sugary foods less appealing (I mean...this is the best right?)
  • Fennel flower helps suppress appetite, as well as relieves symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness and sleep disturbances.
  • Artichoke improves liver function, improves digestive health (ie bloating) and may lower blood sugar levels.
  • Parsley boosts detoxification, promotes blood sugar control and assists in hormonal balance.
  • Dandelion acts as a natural diuretic, to reduce water retention.
  • Celery seeds are rich in calcium, iron and manganese, and support bone health and blood sugar regulation.
  • Chromium improves the metabolism of nutrients.
  • B6 assists in reducing fluid retention, as well as supporting PMS symptoms.
  • Kelp contains hormone-balancing iodine, and also acts as a fat blocker, reducing the absorption of fat in the gut.